Monday, October 12, 2009


White-nose Syndrome has caused “the most precipitous wildlife decline in the past century in North America,” according to biologists. It has devastated bat populations across the northeastern United States during the past four years. BCI is working with agencies, organizations and individuals to understand and stop WNS and begin restoring these decimated bat populations.

Since WNS was discovered in a New York cave in February 2006, an estimated million or more hibernating bats of six species have been killed by the disease in nine states.

Mortality rates approaching 100 percent are reported at some sites. The disease moved beyond the Northeast last winter, reaching into West Virginia and Virginia and threatening some of the largest hibernating caves endangered Indiana and gray myotis. Ultimately, bats across North America are at imminent risk.

Federal funding for WNS is in jeopardy! Please contact your Senator and Congressperson immediately and urge them to provide funds for WNS research before it is too late. The House bill has already passed, but the Senate Appropriations Committee report (111-38, dated July 7) contains only $500,000 of the $11 million identified by the scientific community for immediate WNS funding. Read our letter to members or example text for your own letter to Congress.


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